4.4. Katakana table
This is 

/gozyuu o'nzu/ (a kana table) of katakanas. Please remember kanas in the table are written in Japanese way, i.e. characters are from top to bottom, lines are from right to left.
Each katakana is shown with its pronunciation. Being exactly the same as hiraganas except for their shapes, katakanas have the same pronunciations as hiraganas, like English capital letters have the same pronunciation as small letters.
Katakanas are mainly used for imported words, and sometimes used for emphasis, so they are similar to italic letters in English.
n | wa | ra | ya | ma | ha | na | ta | sa | ka | a |
 n |  wa |  ra |  ya |  ma |  ha*1 |  na |  ta |  sa |  ka |  a | a
|  i*2 |  ri | |  mi |  hyi |  nyi |  chi |  shi |  ki |  i | i
| |  ru |  yu |  mu |  fu |  nu |  tsu |  su |  ku |  u | u
|  e*2 |  re | |  me |  he*1 |  ne |  te |  se |  ke |  e | e
|  o*1 |  ro |  yo |  mo |  ho |  no |  to |  so |  ko |  o | o
*1: There are special single-syllable words with these kanas.
*2: These two kanas are not used in modern Japanese.
This is an additional table that contains katakanas with voiced sound marks and semi-voiced sound marks:
pa | ba | da | za | ga |
 pa |  ba |  da |  dza |  ga | a
 pi |  bi |  ji |  ji |  gi | i
 pu |  bu |  dzu |  dzu |  gu | u
 pe |  be |  de |  dze |  ge | e
 po |  bo |  do |  dzo |  go | o
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