3.2. Double hiraganas used only for imported words

Phonemes for the double hiraganas shown here are not available because their pronunciations are out of standard pronunciations of Japanese. You don't have to memorize these hiraganas now, because they don't appear in Japanese grammar.

Instead of the smaller hiraganas of (ya), (yu), and (yo), the smaller hiraganas of (a), (i), (u), (e), and (o) (hiraganas for vowels) are often used.

(i)(small e)"ye" Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".
(u)(small i)"wi" Japanese "w" + Japanese "i".
(u)(small e)"we" Japanese "w" + Japanese "e".
(u)(small o)"wo" Japanese "w" + Japanese "o".
(ki)(small e)"kye" English "k" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".
(gi)(small e)"gye" English "g" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".
(si)(small e)"she" English "sh" + Japanese "e".
(zi)(small e)"je" English "j" + Japanese "e".
(su)(small i)"si" English "s" + Japanese "i".
(zu)(small i)"dzi" English "dz" + Japanese "i".
(ti)(small e)"che" English "ch" + Japanese "e".
(tu)(small a)"tsa" English "ts" + Japanese "a".
(tu)(small i)"tsi" English "ts" + Japanese "i".
(tu)(small e)"tse" English "ts" + Japanese "e".
(tu)(small o)"tso" English "ts" + Japanese "o".
(te)(small i)"ti" English "t" + Japanese "i".
(de)(small i)"di" English "d" + Japanese "i".
(te)(small yu)"tyu" English "t" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "u".
(de)(small yu)"dyu" English "d" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "u".
(to)(small u)"tu" English "t" + Japanese "u".
(do)(small u)"du" English "d" + Japanese "u".
(ni)(small e)"nye" Spanish "ñ" + Japanese "e".
(hi)(small e)"hye" German "ch" + Japanese "e".
(bi)(small e)"bye" English "b" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".
(pi)(small e)"pye" English "p" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".
(hu)(small a)"fa" Greek "ph" + Japanese "a".
(hu)(small i)"fi" Greek "ph" + Japanese "i".
(hu)(small e)"fe" Greek "ph" + Japanese "e".
(hu)(small o)"fo" Greek "ph" + Japanese "o".
(hu)(small yu)"fyu" Greek "ph" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "i".
(mi)(small e)"mye" English "m" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".
(ri)(small e)"rye" Japanese "r" + Japanese "y" + Japanese "e".

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